Can you feed chickens dried beans?

Yes. A small amount dry won't kill them (tho it may give them a bellyache) but since it is hard to know where "a small amount" stops and "too much" starts, cook or sprout them first.

Red kidney beans especially, as they have some of the highest amounts of toxins and antinutritional factors of all beans. (Children have been poisoned by eating just like a dozen or so dried kidney beans - odd but true)

Good luck, have fun,

My chicken ate one dry kidney bean should I be worried.... One worried momma
I realize this is a very old post, but thought I would add to it...I didn't know about kidney beans and am glad I never planned to try them, but I ferment my feed...For large beans(pinto, navy, small white beans, etc) I cut so they absorb better, but I ferment mostly lentils and very tiny beans now...Less hassle and my flock loves them. I would never feed these to them dry, but I ferment for three days and they absolutely love them...Their feathers look incredible as well 🖤💖🖤

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