can you feed worms to chickens


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 7, 2011
shelby ohio 44875
Is it ok to feed them just worms or do you still need let them have the grass and stuff. Not sure how that part works lol. I think it would be good to have little of both but did not know if they could just live off mealworms or if they needs other stuff to thanks i know this might sound stupid. But never know if don't ask!
Your chooks will love almost anything you give them, earthworms, grass cuttings, mealworms, corn on the cob. dandelion leaves, chickweed and so on..... The more varied the healthier they will be and if you have layers the nicer the eggs turn out to be.
I don't have anything yet. Trying to sell some of my money making sites so that I can buy stuff faster lol. I want birds for both meat and eggs. Can you guys point me to some chickens that would be in that category
I am not qualified to answer that, but couldn't help by share my thought ...

If you like dual purpose birds, you have few to choose from but namely 1) Light Sussex 2) Orpington 3) Wyandottes (I think RIR, Australops, Buckeyes closely follows .. RIR being the best layer out of all I've mentioned).
yea i want a bird that can do good eggs and good meat birds. Mostly the roosters would be the meat most of the time lol. The females will lay my eggs and hatch me out more babies too lol
try some marans they lay dark choclate eggs fairly frequently and the rosters get huge for meat. if you don't mind white eggs leghorns are they way to go. from my personal experiences I would stear clear of orpingtons and wyandottes they go brody frequently and are kinda flighty.

you c ould also go the route of split flock which would increase production on both sides. in this case I would go with cornish for meat and sexlinks or production reds for eggs.
Then go with a heritage breed. I have heard that Delawares are great duel purpose breed. You will still need to feed them a good flock raiser or layer feed even if they free range. I have a mixed flock and have a few barnyard mixes and they are my best egg layers.
Ok awesome that sounds like something that would be good. Get mix of birds and then roosters will become meat and 1 or 2 roosters for egg fertilization. Now out all the breeds I have to pick which ones I want. What would you guys say or would you say get few of each! White and brown layers are fine with me. I would not mind few of each actually.

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