Can you free range meat birds?

Your hens will produce the same ammount of manure per pound of food eaten. It's just so evident with Cornish Crosses because they consume vast quantities of food in their short life.

Some people prefer the tractors because they concentrate the manure. It's very obvious in my lawn where the tractor sat last year. The grass is far greener and healthier.

But, for my personal preference, I let them out during the day, too. It just means I can move the tractor every 2nd or 3rd day, rather than every single day... which cuts back on our workload here at the farm.
Thank you everyone! I greatly appreciate the words of wisdom and experience.

I think I'm goign to go ahead and order some freedom rangers. I don't need as many as even their min (50) so I'm waiting to see if I can sucker, err... inspire some of my friends to go in on the order with me.

you might want to ask you feed store if they'll order them for you. they can buy the minimum of 50 and you can get the one's you want and the feed store can sell the rest.

that's what i did. well, actually, i bought 50 and sold 10 to a friend, another 5 to another friend, kept 15 and sold the rest at my feed store.


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