Can you freeze jelly beans?

Its a popular site for Jelly Bellies!

Anything for a jelly belly picture?????? Something you can look at it and say hmm, wondered what it tasted like? Pick off each beans like those dots candy on paper.
And now... Combining our two favorite topics:

Broke down and bought a bag of jellybeans... Gimbals brand - ok, cheaper than JellyBellys - but they have licorice and cinnamon mixed in with the fruit flavors...
I love the smell of coffee, not so wild about the taste. However, I do like coffee ice cream, and I love to put a little bit of instant coffee in a cup of hot chocolate. Don't know that I've ever met a coffee-flavored jelly bean, though.
Guess what? The little farm market near my house had jellybeans (leftover from Easter) at half price!!! Yummy! Might have to go back and get another bag...
You only bought ONE bag? Silly you. You know you should have bought more. After all, you can freeze them. ( or can't you....did anyone ever decide that in all these 239 posts? BYC wants to know!)

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