Can you freeze jelly beans?

Hey, here's an idea. Why doesn't everyone send me their jelly beans, and I can conduct the 'freezer study'? Great idea!
Dilemma: I have an unopened, 18 oz bag of Brach's Speckled JellyBird Eggs. I forget when I bought it. It may have been for LAST Easter. I have deep cupboards and sugary foods tend to get hidden ( subconsciously, perhaps?) And my memory isn't that great, sometimes.
The code says 1269TY1004 Is it safe to open and eat?
No, it hasn't been frozen.
Dilemma: I have an unopened, 18 oz bag of Brach's Speckled JellyBird Eggs. I forget when I bought it. It may have been for LAST Easter. I have deep cupboards and sugary foods tend to get hidden ( subconsciously, perhaps?) And my memory isn't that great, sometimes.
The code says 1269TY1004 Is it safe to open and eat?
No, it hasn't been frozen.

September 26th, 2011. Should be okay to eat.
Hey, here's an idea.  Why doesn't everyone send me their jelly beans, and I can conduct the 'freezer study'?  Great idea!  :celebrate

I hope noone believes this man... you all know he'll just say he never got them and have you send more.. :/

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