Can you freeze jelly beans?

Isn't it amazing how many people the world over are fascinated enough with jelly beans to spend so much time inventing ways to eat them?
Either that, or they needed new ways to use up the glut of beans leftover from Easter that no kid would touch.
Can we have an estimate of how much valuable time OldGuy and Imp have spent ( won't mention sourland) researching the subject? And then how much useless time ( for comparison)?
Have to love 329 posts on jelly beans in a chicken forum.
It's hard researching Jelly Beans. Not a lot of info out there, unless you dig, dig, dig below the surface. Took hours to find that recipe, eventually figured out to google "melted jelly beans recipes"
Think I'm into it for about 700 hours.

Here I am looking for info:

Jelly beans + alcohol? Not a good idea for me - trust me on that. Been there, tried that, reformed. Where's the little smiley with the halo?
Bought myself two bags today...
Jellybeans for the rest of the day! Got my kids giant freeze pops so they won't eat the jellybeans... and Brandywine tomato plants and pickling cucumber plants and my 4 year old begged my to buy zucchini... he said he loves to eat zucchini, really??? I'm going to remind him when I harvest the zucchini...

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