Can you guess who this might be?

I think I need a Royal Cow Milker. Any volunteers?
I've started to respond to this post several times.
So much I could say.

And each time, I come to my senses. Some things
even a Spook can't get away with.

So...What's the cows name, EM?
As a former cow milker... and hopefully once again if I ever get to retire, that is a lovely looking Jersey and I NEVER EVER looked that good milking the cow(s).
BTW, Sour is right. The bucket goes on the ground so you can use two hands. The top of your head goes against the cow's flank so you can feel when she begins to lift her leg in time to grab the bucket outta danger, so no coiffures allowed. Actually, we used to wear old cloth baby diapers as turbans to keep our hair somewhat clean, although flattened. Hmm. That really sounds like too much information, doesn't it?
As a former cow milker... and hopefully once again if I ever get to retire, that is a lovely looking Jersey and I NEVER EVER looked that good milking the cow(s).
BTW, Sour is right. The bucket goes on the ground so you can use two hands. The top of your head goes against the cow's flank so you can feel when she begins to lift her leg in time to grab the bucket outta danger, so no coiffures allowed. Actually, we used to wear old cloth baby diapers as turbans to keep our hair somewhat clean, although flattened. Hmm. That really sounds like too much information, doesn't it?

She kicks dirt in it if I sit it on the ground.
Thank you though, I think she's a gorgeous cow myself.
Spook had a steer once...his name was Hamburger.
His brother was Steak.

My uncle had a dairy farm. 85 head, twice a day. I
got some practice. But that was also the best milk
I ever drank.
You mean she *dances* when you milk her.
That, I believe, is because Jersey's have a really strong let-down reflex and it tingles them all over. She should get better with age. Just use patience and be quick about grabbing that bucket outta the way! Do you feed her while milking? Give her something to think about.
Ok, confession time. I don't like milk. I don't drink milk. I milk the cow and let Lily drink the milk.

ETA: Yes, I feed her. She still does that. She's a frustrating thing sometimes, but a big old baby.
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