Can you help me diagnose what's wrong?


Oct 12, 2015
My chicken Dale is a brown hen I got her aged 6months to a year, she is now 3 to 3 and a half years old. This time last year she molted and hasn't really laid since. She laid a lash egg 2 months ago but I didn't know what it was. 2 weeks ago she laid a lash egg which was pure liquid uncooked scrambled egg. Two days ago she laid a normal egg. Today one of the other hens was running round with a hard boiled yolk, I think it came from Dale. She hasn't laid anything else that I know of.....I bathed her today as she had a poopy end but her vent was perfectly clean. She then laid a poop which looked like insides?? I am concerned she is not a well chicken, especially as chip my other brown hen which I had from the same person at the same time got egg bound and had to pass on a few weeks ago. I noticed a couple of my flock have started the odd sneeze which Dale has always done when scratching any one got any ideas? Very worried. Thanks
I think you are right to be worried. It sounds as if your hen has salpingitis - an inflammation of the uterine system. It can be viral or bacterial, but it sounds like your hen is bacterial.
If you have the ability to get to a chicken vet, I would advise you to do so. She needs to have antibiotics, although this may not prevent an unhappy outcome.
There is a previous post here about a hen with salpingitis - maybe you can glean some info. on antibiotics from there, keep us posted please, Sue
I would put her on antibiotics I had this problem with a hen almost exactly the same age she layed weird yolk looking egg etc similar to what you described in the winter then layed nothing and i thought it was because of the cold but approx a couple months later she ended up having a huge lash egg inside of her and 5 or 6 smaller ones & i had to put her down. I read that it could have been from an infection like boskelli is suggesting. At least your hen seems to be passing the lash eggs so that is a good thing, the antibiotics might help so its worth a try. . Here is some more useful info
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