Can you help me identify this chicken?


11 Years
Jul 9, 2008
Dallas, Texas
I'm positive that this is some kind of modern game but what breed is it exactly?
It was a feral chicken that I'm going to adopt and I don't even know if it's a boy or a girl, either!

Can you guys help me out?



Thanks in advance!!
Thanks, guys. I was thinking it was a girl, though because it's pretty big. It's bigger than my gold sex link and black australorp that look a bit older than him/her and he/she doesn't have spurs. I've never really dealt with game birds so I couldn't really tell by the comb.
Actually everything but the tail says girl, but it looks rainy anyway. . . - Looks like a Shamo though. Keep it away from other chickens it it will be the best pet chicken you've ever had.
- Well, depending on its previous life.
Oh, yeah. This chicken's already the second most tamest chicken I've ever held. Second behind my first rooster.
R.I.P. Kermit...
But I digress- It kinda snowed in central Texas today. (The most snow I've ever seen in my life fall from the sky.) And in Texas, any snow we get is a mix of ice and rain, so it's damp. And he/she's pretty beaten up.
Shamo's are an oriental game fowl from Jspan, much like Asils and Malays and all the rest of the "buzzard" looking birds. But as someone else once said - This does look crossbred. The reason I wasn't so sure on gender (but pretty sure it is a pullet) is because its comb and head are so underdeveloped. Sure do hope you keep it though
I loooove Oriental Game Fowl, and can't wait to get my own trio.
Ideally, yes. That spangled one was sold really cheap (lucky duck) but the good, true, purebred ones go for $100 each or more. The cheapest I've ever seen for good Shamos is an $85 one because it was young and had a busted beak. They're well worth it to me, though. I'm surely going to spend a few hundred bucks for some.

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