Can you help me sex these chickens please?

The Sussex were a surprise in a batch of chicks I bought and I really like them. I hope I have one of each. The Black Copper Marans I hatched, got 4 and they all look alike to me. The biggest one is a crowing rooster. Thanks
They are about 8 wks old. I think I have about a 4/6 split with the buffs. It's the Marans and Sussex that are the puzzle.
I'm seeing a lot of chicken dinners in your future. The Marans are all male, as are the Sussex and buffs pictured,
In the 4th.picture, with buff turned away from camera, it does look like that could be a pullet. Can't see any comb on her. Could we see her from the front?
I do have buffs with combs, without combs, and with medium combs, so I know that's a mixed flock. I have more Marans incubating so maybe a girl or two there! I'm going to have to get a female Sussex now, they're so pretty!

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