Can you identify the breed, please?


9 Years
Mar 12, 2010
This is a newly adopted rooster (without his tail, thanks to the dog). He did have a dark green tail that curved over.I am curious to find out what breed he is! Thanks for your help!
I am pretty sure he is just a mix, but very striking. Is his breast brown and white or black and white?

Interestingly though, look up Brown Mottled Leghorn. Go to this link and scroll down until you start seeing them, there are a couple of pictures of them. I am not saying this is what he is, but dang, it is close.
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I wasn't saying he was one of those, just observing because I doubt there are many of them around, and probably one of those varieties only found in the UK or Europe. Like the Chocolate Orps. Would
to have some of those!
How lucky are we?
Thanks for the responses! I think that his breast is black and white.
There is a chance that he came from a hatchery.and was one of those chicks. Do hatcheries in the US sell mixed breed birds?
Oh yes! Their "Ameraucanas" are mixed breed birds, who can look like anything, and sometimes their "purebreds" can have other things in them. I've had "Brahmas" that are Sussex cross, I've seen Polish that are crossed with EE, and I've seen plenty Wyandottes with single combs. Oh and of course, their Houdans are often Ancona x Polish.

This guy has too much comb and waddle to be EE though.

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