Can you identify this snake?

Release that snake. It is currently too small to be a threat even to hatchlings. Adult snakes more problematic but losses when they occur are usually light. I have lost very few chickens to snakes but have lost lots songbirds, rabbits and fish to them. Chicks should be easy to protect by keeping vulnerable birds up and in a box snake can not crawl into. You could also rent my dogs as they kill and eat snakes of all flavors.
I've noticed most any snake will strike at you if cornered. I've even been "bit" by a ridiculously tiny garter snake when I was working in a corner of the yard. The snake had nowhere to go and bit my gloved hand. Not that I'd blame him, I'd bite me too. Usually they try to get away, but if they can't, they will most certainly turn and try to bite you. I don't mind snakes, but once they get big enough, they will probably go after eggs and chicks. Snakes have got to eat too, just not my chickens. :) I feel a little bad killing them because they eat mice and bad bugs, so I let them out in the canyons here. In my neighborhood, they are usually trying to find water to drink. But we have rattlesnakes here too, so you have to be careful what you pick up. But I would agree with the other posters; from your photo I would think it is a rat snake or a very large garter snake. However, you are in FL, so you probably have a whole zoo of different snakes to choose from.
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Dawg53, it looks gray and black in the OP's photos. While it's rare for a member of the rat snake family to strike a human (hence why they're the most popular and most recommended of pet snakes), they're not venomous and their fangs are so fine that a bite would barely hurt. Maybe the particular variety you regularly encounter is just unique in their behaviour? I had a pine gopher snake (member of the bull snake family - the only snakes that hiss!) back in BC that my husband had rescued from a parking lot. She (it was a girl because she laid 6 eggs) was 6' long. One time I went to take her out of her cage she struck me in the soft spot between thumb and forefinger; it totally didn't hurt and i could see four 1/2" long puncture marks. Next day, marks were gone. She was an excellent disposal system for all the field mice in my house!
I've lived in central west Florida (North of Tampa) for 10 years. On my property I've seen black snakes 3x, probably the same ones. My father, who lives in a deed restricted walled community has actually had coral snakes in his garage.

I think if someone has a snake problem they should order a box of black snakes or Eastern racers and set them out. They are harmless, and territorial. Mouth is too small for Juvie chicks . I have toads galore as well.

Maybe the fact that I do have a few black snakes somewhere is why I don't have other snakes.
I had a very small sidewinder in my kitchen last week. I freaked out and sprayed it with Raid. I didn't want it to bite my cat who was wrestling with it. I am so sorry I killed it. It got out through a hole in my kitchen floor.
Hi all, Thanks for your responses. The snake was actually orangy yellow with thin black stripes. Solid yellow bottom. It looked grey because I took the picture through a plastic box. It wasn't super big but I have twenty chicks in my dining room and it freaked me out that it got inside the house.

We did catch a rattlesnake next to the house about a month ago. That did not survive. I just didn't expect a snake inside.

Seminolewind, I'm in Zephyr. Maybe I should come get some of your black racers. We had some in St. Pete where we moved from, I should have caught them and brought them with me.

This may be my fault. I was out mowing pasture Saturday, so I may have dislodged it.

Also, thinking back years ago in SP, I remember cleaning the hamster cage outside and a snake came slithering up. We both screamed and ran. I had nightmares about snakes everywhere for a few nights.

So will the black snakes chase off rattlers too?
I don't know. My husband is paranoid that if there's a dead snake on the road a mile away, he really thinks it was on it's way here.

Do Not go near anything red yellow and black. By the time I remember the rhyme, I'd probably be wrong anyway.

I guess it wouldn't look like your dead snake, Jan. I didn't know we had rattlers here.

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