Can you put eggs in bator as soon as laid?


9 Years
Sep 13, 2013
washington state
Can you put eggs in bator same day laid? Or is it best to let them sit a couple days. My incubator is getting shipped on monday. I am putting in some cortunix quail eggs. I ordered the Brinsea mini advance. Since I live in city limits and can only have a few birds. Thanks Dave
Yes. But I would set them all at the same time so they will all hatch at the same time. i.e. don't set 3 eggs then next day set 2 new eggs, then another 3 new ones the day after that etc.
Ok thanks just wondering! I moved my quail outside last week and my bator will be here in a day or two and my darn quail most of them stopped laying. I am putting a light on them tonight to ad a few hours of light. Maybe that will get them going again. But I know moving cages can make them stop for a week or two. My bator only holds 12 so I don't need alot of eggs. I just wanted some from all my hens not just the 4 that have kept laying. Dave
My quail just started laying again after a 3 month break. Well, a few of them anyway, I'm up to 3 eggs a day from 20 hens. The 20 eggs I got in the Letric Hen right now took me 2 weeks to accumulate. Deadbeat birds...
When I'm outside at night I always hear my quail pecking in the feeders...if they can eat in the dark they should be able to lay eggs in the dark. ;)
I just raise them for fun, so I don't fool with supplement lighting.
Well, I have no real experience since I'm hatching our first batch now, but everything I've read says their laying is mostly dependent on 14 hours of light per day. Just hang a light on one of those outdoor timers if you want and see if it makes a difference. I'd be interested to know.
My mini advance just came yesterday. Very easy to setup and get going. Adding my eggs tonight! Can't wait! If you are hatching quail you will also need the extra disk that holds the smaller eggs. It doesn't come with the mini advance...It's extra! Let me know how it works for you!
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