Can you set an egg with a small crack?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jan 10, 2011
I just put some eggs under our broody tonight. But I noticed that one had a hairline crack. Only noticeable in the daylight and not by the lights in the house. Does it have a chance? I haven't put it under her yet.

This is the one and ONLY egg I have from her and our new roo before she went broody. I really want it to HATCH!! (The rest of the eggs under her are from someone else)
Any advice??
You could try lighting a candle and letting the wax drip on the crack. I have not had any luck with cracked eggs, but you could try.
My husband dropped some keys on an egg I wanted to set and cracked the top. I put wax on it hoping that it would work, but didn't hold my breath.....

It hatched!!!

So, it is worth a try.
I set my duck eggs last month, and about day 25 I noticed one was cracked pretty good. I don't know how I missed it up till then. BUT it did hatch!
Love it! Off to try it now - thanks!! Now, we just have to wait 20-21 days to see if works!!!
Yup, I have used tape on cracked eggs ! It works pretty good

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