Can you teach chickens mice=food ???


9 Years
Jun 26, 2010
Western Washington
Ok, I recognized that I had a mouse issue in my yard a while ago. At first I had left it to the ladies to handle until I realized that they were ignoring heir little 'friends'. I even saw them eating out of the same feeder at the same time once!

So after some trial and error I have caught not the three or so I suspected; I have caught SEVEN. And their favorite places are inside the runs beneath the coops. Which is where my girls hang out!

How do I teach the hens that it is better to eat their little 'buddies' as apposed to letting them roam??? I don't mind setting traps every so often but it would be nice to have a little built in control. Maybe make the mice think twice about going for the girl's food.
People around here don't use poisens for the most part. There are too many other animals that could get into it and just about every neighbor has dogs at a minimum. Then there are the birds and a fair few of those are protected. So poisen isn't much of a worry. These are just fat field mice that decided my yard was nirvana.
My chickens are pretty natural mousers, and will attack, kill and eat any mouse they are fast enough to catch. So far they haven't gotten anything from the mice.

I suppose if you wanted to train them you'd go to the feed/pet store and pick up a few pinkies and fuzzies and let the chickens have at them.
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My chickens are pretty natural mousers, and will attack, kill and eat any mouse they are fast enough to catch. So far they haven't gotten anything from the mice. 

I suppose if you wanted to train them you'd go to the feed/pet store and pick up a few pinkies and fuzzies and let the chickens have at them.

That sounds like a good idea! I will check out the stores tomorrow!
I had a mouse in the chicken feeder once (round, hanging tube-type) so I got one of the barn cats and showed her the mouse. She caught the mouse, and was instantly attacked by 4 chickens trying to get the mouse from her. It was one of the funniest things I've ever seen - cat running around the coop trying to get away from those crazy birds!
The cat finally decided that it would be best to drop the mouse and exit the coop.
I think they will eat them IF they can catch them. I saw mine fighting over a frog one time.It was like they were passing a footbal around.They just didn't get tired of stealing it from each other and running.
I wanted to try that, catch and feed, but the little buggers are so soft pawed they don't set off snap traps. Between that and the sun melting the bait off I have had zero luck with those. And I don't want to feed the girls mice I pulled off a sticky trap.
Since my hens seem to think its great fun to chase the cat (boy was she surprised when the table quickly turned on her hunting party!) I can only hope they would view mice as a great meal!...although they dont look twice at a small chipmunk...maybe I feed them too much?

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