Can you tell a silky chick apart from other chicks??


In the Brooder
6 Years
This Friday I'm going to canton trade days and if there there is silkies( and my fingers are crossed!!!!) I'm going to buy them. I plan to breed and sale them so its important that they are full bred silkies. I have read reviews of people buying a certain breed at canton trade days and it turned out not to be that breed. Is there some kind of characteristics of silky babies so that I can tell?? I have never raised a silky before and the only characteristics I know of is their cute feathered feet!:)
Feathered legs and feet, black skin, 5 toes.

Edited to add: Silkie chicks also have a raised "bump" on their head, this makes a good crest. It is also known as a "vaulted skull".
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A silky can be purebred even if lacking the black skin, feathered feet etc., it just may be very low hatchery stock. Check out the silky threads on BYC (put "silkies" in search box to find 'em)

You'll see a lot of pictures of young chicks to help you recognize a good one. Feet are very important in silkies and also it can be 4 or 5 mos old before you know the gender. If they are selling younger ones you run the risk of buying cockerels instead of pullets.
I have had several with vaulted skulls, but not all silkies have this. Be mindful that partridge silkies aren't always born with black skin. I have also seen 4 & 6 toed silkies, from purebred stock. If you want to breed I would avoid buying such birds.

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