Can you tell difference between a newly hatched spalding versus an IB?


Nov 25, 2021
San Angelo, TX
Hi, I can tell the difference on an older peachick but what about a newly hatched. What is different between a Spalding and an IB? I hatched 2 out but they both look alike. I don't know who is whom.🤦🏽‍♀️


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@KsKingBee is probably the most qualified to.answer. this is my first year hatching spaldings and what I've noticed is that they are darker and bigger than the IBs
The term Spalding is a very loose term, it applies to even the tiniest amount of Green blood to a very high percentage. The higher they are in percentage the easier they are to identify. Here is a 'good' Spalding. As you can easily see it is much darker, the head is angular, and the legs and feet are dark gray/green/blue. This does not mean your chicks are not Spalding, if they are they would be very low Spalding.
The term Spalding is a very loose term, it applies to even the tiniest amount of Green blood to a very high percentage. The higher they are in percentage the easier they are to identify. Here is a 'good' Spalding. As you can easily see it is much darker, the head is angular, and the legs and feet are dark gray/green/blue. This does not mean your chicks are not Spalding, if they are they would be very low
Ah yes and I should of explained a little more. The hen is med % with a Purple Dark pied male.
I always label the eggs when I gathered them. My husband was helping me and he got a few mixed he didn't know who was what😬.
So I'm playing guessing game here. I have thr IBs in one pen, I have a Purple Dark pied pair with a Spalding hen and a white hen. These 2 pens is where my husband got them mixed up.
Since Spalding does not breed true even if it was from the mid-range hen it could be anything from low to high %. It could also be from the White hen but I see no real indication that it carries any Spalding or White. If it is a hen it wouldn't carry any Purple either. I would just label it as an IB.
Since Spalding does not breed true even if it was from the mid-range hen it could be anything from low to high %. It could also be from the White hen but I see no real indication that it carries any Spalding or White. If it is a hen it wouldn't carry any Purple either. I would just label it as an IB.
Thank you 😊

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