Can you tell me th sex of my chickens?

You could post clear, pictures of their heads (to show combs) and profile to show hackles etc. on the "what gender or breed is this," thread.

also go to "where am I, where are you," in the social forum to locate and post on your state thread. You may be able to find locals who would love to have a beautiful roo like that in charge of their hens. Maybe you could even do a swap for a definite hen.

and i will definitely try to find someone on here- thanks for the idea:)
These are my other three, they are about 11 weeks here. I know my ameracauna looks like a roo but I am hoping my SLW and silkie are hens. let me know what you think! thanks:)

Your Ameraucana (which, by the way, is actually a Black Easter Egger) is definitely a rooster. The little crested birds appears to be a pullet, but I'm leaning towards cockerel for your Silver-Laced Wyandotte. I think cockerel because there is some white patches on the wings, the legs are thick, and I think I can see some pointed saddle and hackle feathers. But I would be wrong--I'd wait a few weeks and then post new photos.
Your Ameraucana (which, by the way, is actually a Black Easter Egger) is definitely a rooster. The little crested birds appears to be a pullet, but I'm leaning towards cockerel for your Silver-Laced Wyandotte. I think cockerel because there is some white patches on the wings, the legs are thick, and I think I can see some pointed saddle and hackle feathers. But I would be wrong--I'd wait a few weeks and then post new photos.

thanks for the quick reply! I will post new pictures in a few weeks
Dont let the weird tail feathers of the EE fool you...I have 4 of them and could have sworn... they were Roos but were actually hens...I also have an Isa brown pullet that had sickle like tail feathers...but they fell out or was pulled out and she's laying eggs about everyday now....Google images of the breeds of cockerels of that age group and compare...I never was good at the whole guessing game either so don't feel bad.
Your Ameraucana is an Easter Egger, and is a cockerel. Your crested bird looks llike a pullet, while your Silver-Laced Wyandotte could go either way. I see some white patches on the SLW's wings, but so far the comb isn't too large. For now, I'll tentatively guess male.

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