Can you tell me the colors of my peahens?

Next time I go to auctions I will look to see if they have a peacock color like that. I'll probably find him when I don't need one.

My camel...She is very sweet and always comes over to get attention no matter if you have something for her or not. She does not like being a petting zoo exhibit though, did that once and never again. I have had her with numerous other animals and although she gets along with big and small she seems to like the cows (and vice versa) and her best friends are my Brown Swiss and Jersey.

She's so cute, you are the first person I've spoken to that had a pet camel. My husband would love to get some unusual animals once he has a little more time to spend with them, too busy working right now. It's finding them when you don't need them that causes you to end up with 42 of them like myself!
This is a little 6 month old male we hatched this past summer. He is out of a Pied male and a Silver Pied hen, the male is split to BS. So this boy is IB Pied split to BS and likely split to WE and possibly split to SP depending on what you think SP actually is. No Cameo though, at least not that we know of!
He is beautiful!!

She is our pet camel for now cause she is still a baby but we do plan to breed her and possibly milk her (depending on how that goes).
After seeing those new pictures it does look like a cameo silver pied. But here are the pictures anyway of my cameo blackshoulder spalding hen and a bronze hen.


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