Can you tell me what these are?


8 Years
Sep 30, 2011
Asheville, NC
I am raising 18 baby chicks. These are almost 3 weeks old. I have mostly silkies but I also ordered 3 Easter Eggers and 5 mixed rare breeds. Not really sure what I have yet. I know these are NOT Silkies.
I hope it is a Sumatra!
Any ideas on the white one?
yellow legs, with a litttle gray tint on the white chick and the white one has a little comb but the black and white has no comb yet
hatchery ones are not always right. I have come across some that don't have black face skin. But even on a well bred sumatra the body skin is not black. They have yellow feet bottoms and black legs. You can post the black one on the sumatra thread and see what they say, or wait a few weeks and watch it grow (which is always the funnest for me)

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