Can you tell what(gender) we are? Pic heavy!!(revised new pics)


11 Years
Nov 10, 2008
Benton TN
I need to know the gender of these chicks if possible. Some are shots of the backs of the birds to help.






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The first black one looks like either an Australorp or a Turken. The Buff Laced on with the crest with no foot feathering is definetely a Polish and the third picture looks like a buff orpington. The feathering in the fourth one makes me suspect it is a Sultan. Do you know the breeds in the batch? It would definetely help. If you want my help after listing the breeds possible, PM me and I'll sort them out for you
. Hope I can help! PM me A.S.A.P.!
Okay, I think I have the majority figured out.
1st picture: Black Australorp
2nd pic.: Blue and Buff Opringtons, is that black one a quail of some sort?
3rd: Most likley a Buff Orpington
4th: The one to the side is an Australorp and the one in the middle is your White Langshan
5th: Buff Orpington
6th: Buff/Buff Laced Polish, be-a-utiful polish
7th: the only one I could separate exept from the Austalrops and the Polish was the large one in the the back right corner. It looks like either a RIR or Welsummer cock. I can't tell what the little white ones are...(I hope that it is a RIR cock, welsummer cocks are nasty, so future warning.)
8th: The one with white and black on the sides in the back looks like a light brahma. The little guy with a white crest is a polish (white crested black) The one behind the crested one looks like a welsummer hen. The one infront of the big guy looks like it would be your silver laced breed.
9th: Three australorps,White crested Black Polish, and the one in between the two australorps looks like it could easily be a maran.
10th: two blue orpingtons. Don't worry about the leg coloring for this breed.
11th: A blue Orpington. those blue orpingtons are soo beautiful.

I'm about 90% sure on my classifications, but that might be becuase I can't tell what some of them are. I hope I helped, at least a little
. Try to tame the one I think is a cock early on or he ( if a he) will be a brute. I have heard of a lot of nice RIR roosters though. You will be happy with your Australorps, I had two (only have the one now). Orpingtons are patient and sweet, don't forget soft. I had one. Langshans are suposed to be very gentle. If you ever post your pictures again when they are older, I would love to see them, looks like they breed them very well
Can you tell me what breeder/ market you got them from? I come down to TN every now and then when driving to family or show of some sort. Tell me when they are marketing again! Lovely chicks...
( Most of these look like hens
. Not sure about the polish though. Oh, and the one that always has its eyes closed in the pictures looks almost like a light colored maran, but I don't really know my marans or barred rocks, but it does have that cuckoo pattern in it)
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Yeah she told me there are some quail and turkeys in there... but it is so easy to spot them out from the rest, you wouldn't really need any help with that. I hope you are happy with them! What's that black one, is that a quail or a polish?
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