Can you train a goose to a collar/lead rope?

i had the same question and apparently you can although with a lesh or not they will still follow you.
look here
Living in a suburban area..I used to walk my geese around the block when we had them. I never needed a leash... But I did try to train them to walk in a harness. They hated it... They kept stopping every few steps to try to get it off.
When I was a little girl I used to walk my Goose to the beach so she could have a swim.
I used a piece of hay rope tied loosely around her neck. She wasn't really leash trained, but it was more, she followed me.
It was a slow walk and she had to stop allot for a rest.
You can do it if they are trained very young or older if you have a lot of patience. I have 2 two year old Embden's who have never had a leash and collar until we got them a few months ago. They do not really like it but when we go out in public, they know it is a necessity because I don't want them to travel too far away. I now have 6 babies Toulouse and I am teaching them to wear a collar first and then we will be working our way up to leashes. From what I understand you can teach geese anything that you want them to do if you start young. When they are older it is more that they will do whatever you want them to do only if they want to do it.
Sure, if you can tell me how to post them. Otherwise I am posting on my Facebook under the same... sillysister74

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