can you travel with 4 week old chicks?

so me and my family are going on a 5 hour trip but we just got chicks. there gonna be about 4 weeks old when we go. I want to take them but I'm not sure if it's the best thing to do. so if anyone has advice i am all ears.
No. They need constant access to a light bulb. You could kill them depending on how cold it is
She is not being rude, She is telling you the facts!
I realized that ‘rude’ seems a little harsh, but the thread starter didn’t mean to make a big mistake. They were probably just curious and excited about their new chicks and thought it was a great opportunity to show their friends. While I agree it seems unnecessarily stressful, and won’t be good for the chicks, we can’t blame the thread starter for being curious. When we think someone is making a big mistake, we can gently let them know and gently give them other options. I personally think that if someone said something like that to me, I would be hurt and upset, although I am a rather sensitive person, although I would (hopefully) realize it was not going to be a good choice and not take the chicks. I hope you understand.
Lemonbar, if you sincerely care and love your chicks, you should just LEAVE THEM AT HOME and make plans for somebody to come check on them while you are gone. Stress and change is very detrimental to a young birds well being. If you want your other family members to see them so bad, how about you tell THEM to come visit? A photo will do just as good. There's a right way to do this and it doesn't involve UNNECESSARY stress, even death, for some ooo's and ahh's. It's sort of selfish. Be mature about this.
Lemonbar, if you sincerely care and love your chicks, you should just LEAVE THEM AT HOME and make plans for somebody to come check on them while you are gone. Stress and change is very detrimental to a young birds well being. If you want your other family members to see them so bad, how about you tell THEM to come visit? A photo will do just as good. There's a right way to do this and it doesn't involve UNNECESSARY stress, even death, for some ooo's and ahh's. It's sort of selfish. Be mature about this.
I think probably by now they understand to leave them.
Hi, @Lemonbar! I hope you're doing well! :hugs
To all those out there who are replying in a rather blunt and slightly harsh way, I'd like to remind you all that we can share our opinions and thoughts in a kind and encouraging way - think, building each other up, not tearing them down. 🙂 Remember, we all started somewhere, and we're all going to struggle to figure out the answers to our questions if we don't ask.
I will also point out that at the start of the thread, @Lemonbar let us know that they were thinking about taking chicks, and they wanted to hear our thoughts on it. Telling them harshly that it is a terrible idea, in my opinion, doesn't really portray what so many of us here on BYC pride our community for being: A safe, kind environment for chicken keepers of all ages to learn, grow, and help in a positive way.
Now, regarding the question, as I think Lemonbar has heard several times, I would recommend that she doesn't take the chicks with her unless absolutely necessary.
Some reasons for this include that traveling can be pretty stressful for the chicks, and I think it would probably be best to keep your little ones happy and healthy at home. Stress can lead to a lot of issues, and could even ultimately lead to illness.
A great alternative to taking the chicks with you is taking pictures/sending videos.
Ultimately, the decision is up to you, but I highly recommend you keep them at home, if at all possible.
I apologize to anyone if I have been unkind with my words in this post - please let me know if I have hurt you in any way. :hugs
well i think my relatives would like them and this will be the only time they get to see them wen their chicks
also i think my chicks will like it
Sounds like a stressful trip for baby chicks...5 hours drive, then being handled by a bunch of family members? Then adjusting to a new place for however long you're there, and then 5 hours back home?

Where are you gonna keep them while you're there? How long are you going to be away for? It just seems like an unnecessary amount of stress. It would be one thing if you were moving 5 hours away and could have a brooder or run set up for them when they get there, but taking chicks on vacation doesn't sound like a great idea to me.
I agree that the chicks will be stressed by a trip, and will probably be better staying at home.

But I also think there are polite and rude ways to say it--and some of the ones in this thread sounded rude to me.
Ya I agree

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