Can you use watering vertical nipples with 1/2 inch PVC?


8 Years
Mar 24, 2013
I tried using nipples with 3/4 inch PVC and they worked but the pressure (from my Well) was too great for them. (Too hard to push the nipple value and came out way too fast.)
I ordered a pressure reducer from BackYardFlock and it came with an attachment on each end to glue to 1/2 inch PVC.
It appears that 1/2 inch might be too tight for the nipples so I'm asking if any one has tried this?
Thank you for any response.
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I've found that if you're drilling holes in the pipe for the nipples, you need 1" or larger pipe. The radius of 1/2" is too tight .
Pressure regulators are necessary with all except systems that have an unpressurized gravity system. And even those can't have a lot of head height.

You can always come out of the regulator with 1/2" and then use reducers to upsize to 1 or 1 1/2".
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I've found that if you're drilling holes in the pipe for the nipples, you need 1" or larger pipe. The radius of 1/2" is too tight .
Pressure regulators are necessary with all except systems that have an unpressurized gravity system. And even those can't have a lot of head height.

You can always come out of the regulator with 1/2" and then use reducers to upsize to 1 or 1 1/2".

You could put a PVC tee with a cap in the line where you want to put each nipple. Then just tap in a nipple in the cap. Should have plenty of room to install the nipple. I don't know anything about the regulator you speak of but I built a poor man's auto-waterer using a toilet valve. Here's a link to the one I based mine off of.

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