Canadian Postal Strike is certainly having its toll!!


9 Years
Jun 4, 2010
N. Ontario CANADA
Back in may, before I even had a clue that the postal service may be disrupted by a strike I placed my order for 45 new chicks and 11 turkeys. However not really trusting our mail workers due to past incidences with live cargo I decided to pay the 30 dollars for the truck delivery to the Ranch.

I was also supposed to put in an order for nucs and bees but for some reason, I failed to do so, even though I truly truly want to have my very own backyard honey bees, have read every bee book I could find online and researched beekeeping for several years.

well the strike is now in full effect, and I just finished reading 2 different news articles regarding the full impact on the strike. All mail is halted, for those of us who cold care less about bills and pay online well its really not a bog loss right? but We have so many small businesses who are suffering tremendously due to this strike. The article described how Queen bees, chicks and other live cargo critters have been stuck in the back of trucks or huge warehouses anywhere from several days to a week with no food or water. This truly upsets me. Though after a frantic beekeeper shed light to the issue at one of the warehouses in Montreal Canada, there still many loses that should have never happened. in one instance 320 Queen bees died in the back of a parked mail courier truck that had been parked for nearly a week. When they did locate the package they were good enough to contact the seller, who was many hours away, and asked him if he wanted to pick up his package, Sadly he already knew his precious cargo was dead and said there was no point.

But what about the live chicks, and the crickets, and lizards and their live animals they have found in the warehouse?? what happens to these animals if the seller or buyer is 8, 16, or 30 hours away in a different province or across the country and cannot get to their cargo??

they are making an exception to still deliver Socioeconomic cheques, only on one particular day and that will be this coming monday, but how ridiculous that they claim ther eis nothing they can do for these live critters who are dying in their warehouses, Surely this cannot go on, surely they will have the heart to find a remedy so these animals won't die...Right?

Sorry Had to vent, this is the only part of this stupid strike that upsets me....and I truly feel for the small businesses who are suffering because of this. Its just disgusting that these overpaid and under worked people are just sooo selfish that they feel the need to ask for more and more and more!!!

Well I am glad that I am not the only one, I have never cared for unions, though I do know that some people find them beneficial, but still.

I agree with you one hundred percent, however dead loss should have never occurred period!!

I would think that animal cruelty charges would apply or neglect/abuse charges.
Well I am glad that I am not the only one, I have never cared for unions, though I do know that some people find them beneficial, but still.

I agree with you one hundred percent, however dead loss should have never occurred period!!

I heard about roaming postal strikes in Canada but, I had no idea that it was that bad. Can the sellers or buyers for these animals or bees press charges for cruelty and neglect not to mention lose? I worked for the USPS for 15 years and regardless of union contracts - we could not strike. If the whole U.S. Gov. shut down and could not pay employees - Postal employees would still have to work with no pay or face possible Federal punishment - and real jail time.
Well I am glad that I am not the only one, I have never cared for unions, though I do know that some people find them beneficial, but still.

I agree with you one hundred percent, however dead loss should have never occurred period!!


you know in one of the articles I read the a few people commented that the SPCA should get involved. I wonder if maybe in light of what happened with the queen bees and the discovery of the live chicks, lizards and crickets, and what ever else they found in that warehouse, if they will get involved, or maybe they might already be, Its just inhumane, and how is it that they didn't know where to find live cargo, how crazy is that???

As usual the animals suffer and the users of the service, it should be modeled after the U.S. postal service. Reagan fired the Air traffic controllers for the same type of action I think it is extortion in a way.

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