Canadians check in here....

ISA4drew, it's only necessary to be a member if you love in the city of Brantford. It's a stipulation of the bylaw. If you live on a property zoned agricultural you don't have to worry. Of you are interested, we are a fun group to be involved with! We are planning the challenge show right now and working on some other activities for members. Nice group ofeople.
Hey all!
So nice to see that this is such a nice, active group! Pleased to say that I am finding a lot of great info and support here. A member who lives very close to me has been invaluable in getting my bylaw situation sorted out and connecting me with our local poultry club-yayyy!

So....getting super excited now. Can we talk fave breeds? Who would know better what birds can tolerate our climate better than the folks here?! I am only planning on four birds max to start with, I have young children and obviously want good layers that are friendly and sweet. I have been thinking about BR's, Orpington, Wyandotte and a few others. Thoughts??

My two cents worth is this; dont get too caught up in the breed per se...for example when we started out as backyard flockers, two breeds I had heard were tame/lovely/docile (Barred rocks and buff orpingtons) turned out to be the biggest bummers of all. I have found that the best breeders to buy ready to lay birds from will handle them often, and treat their birds like pets. Also, you can 'try them out'; touch them, hold them, see how flighty or skittish they are/aren't...many times I have heard folks say 'oh my rooster is so tame my kids handle him'...biiiiig difference between a roo that cuddles and clucks in your arms and one that has barely managed historically not to spur the kids....yet.
You won't go wrong with Flat Rock's advice ;)
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Hmmm...dates. Next weekend is obviously out being Easter and all. Weekend following I have a poultry show in Simcoe (spectators welcome!) and tree planting Sunday. What is everyone else's schedule? I might be pretty booked until mid may, lol!
I'm not available until at least the beginning of May

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