Canadians check in here....

Sure they will. Lots of sun left even if you do not supplement lighting right now. I have had for last 3 fall seasons pullets lay right through winter. I did supplement from end of Oct and all winter with lighting.
I already started supplementing with light. Goes on at 6am in the coop and turns off at 8 pm. Did you add a heat source in the coop?
My coop is insulated but as you know Canadian winters are very long and cold.
I should introduce myself , I’m from southern Manitoba. Had chickens for 5 years , just got a few ducks too !

I use a milking heater from peavey mart . It has a fan , hang it from a chain and blow it out when it smells dusty . I put it in a thermostat for 0’C.

Just starting to set up the barn for more hens,we sold the cows as prices are not looking good ,

Nice to meet you all :)
I should introduce myself , I’m from southern Manitoba. Had chickens for 5 years , just got a few ducks too !

I use a milking heater from peavey mart . It has a fan , hang it from a chain and blow it out when it smells dusty . I put it in a thermostat for 0’C.

Just starting to set up the barn for more hens,we sold the cows as prices are not looking good ,

Nice to meet you all :)
Nice to meet you! What breeds do you have? I am in Alberta east of Calgary on acreage. Just chickens and dogsLaura
Hello Laura @Albertan
I’m 2 hours south of Winnipeg on an acreage too.

We have 35 layers in 2 coops and 6 ducks I got this summer , dogs , cats and pot belly pigs ....

I’ve had chickens for 5 years ,
I would like to get some good layers as mine have been extremely lazy this year except my Silkie! For 2.5 years old. Lol . I wish I could have 35! Someone else in the house thinks I spend too much time with my hens already if you know what I mean! But I love caring for them since I do not have children to care for. I only have 8 chickens.
We just doubled our flock and are building a raised coop in the barn , we sold our dexter cattle because prices are dropping and feed is crazy expensive. So empty barn? No problem I’ll fill it with chickens , people are crazy for fresh eggs here .

Where’d you get your flat panel heater? We use a barn heater that were happy with but it’s always good to have a back up
On line. I actually have 2, one on each levels of my tiny coop. Take up no room at all. Hooked a thermostat to them to keep temp low too.
Hi everyone,
I’m thinking about covering my run with plastic (vapour barrier). I want to prevent snow from getting in the run and it will also protect the birds from the freezing winds when it’s -30 Celsius Has anyone done this?
Obviously I would make openings for ventilation and peep holes. I have PLymouth rocks and buff Orpington.

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