Canadians check in here....

Are your muscovies really friendly too? My girl teddy comes to be petted and when it’s time for them to go into their house at night sometimes she just stands still and waits for me to pick her up and carry her in.
My musvovies shredded my hands lady week. Nobody warned me that they have razor blades for claws. I picked them up and their feet started flailing... my pekins start quacking away when they see me & follow me around, but the muscovies really don't seem to even notice me.
Hey everyone! I'm from Calgary Alberta! I have 9 chickens, 1 rooster 8 hens. I have a few different breeds including: Polish, Ameraucauna and copper marans. I also have 3 pheasants!
Hi fellow Albertan :frow
Are you right in the city? I wouldn't think that they allow roos, most cities don't. I know that Edmonton just started allowing chickens last year. I think the limit is 6 hens.
My musvovies shredded my hands lady week. Nobody warned me that they have razor blades for claws. I picked them up and their feet started flailing... my pekins start quacking away when they see me & follow me around, but the muscovies really don't seem to even notice me.

Weird. Must just be the ducks personality then not so much the breed.

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