Canadians check in here....

I'm on the SW shore of Nova Scotia.
Any others from NS? I haven't had a chance to look through the entire thread yet.

Would love to hear from some other Maritimers!
Good morning sunshyn225

I'm in Prince Edward Island. Last summer I started my flock with 3 hens and a rooster from Brookfield, NS. These are silver pencilled plymouth rocks, and I can't wait til it gets a bit warmer so I can set some of their eggs in an incubator.

Welcome to the BYC website! I have found it to be a great resource of chicken knowledge.

Bye for now.
Hey, newfie here! Probably the only one active around here.

Looking for some eggs too if there's anyone in Canada willing to mail eggs to Newfoundland.
Welcome sunshyn225. You'll love it here, the people are super friendly.
Perth Ontario here, 12 weekold chicks. I started with the idea of only 6, was pusuaded to buy 10 to save on the surcharge, the breeder sent me 12. Oh my. But they are so sweet, 5 different breeds, lots of colour.
Glad to see spme activity here...sheesh it can get quiet sometimes.
Wish we had a couple of threads for canadians here...this usd to be the only thread?!
must look and see what's new and exciting...and maybe talk with some byc folk!

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