Canadians check in here....

Well, I am really hoping. I am so very disappointed! HOW is it that if I walk three blocks in one direction or drive to the closest CITY that I could have as many birds as I want? Grrr...
My plan is to sweet talk the neighbours and offer to share eggs, lol! They should be used to strangeness from me already.
Sat year I turned most of my front yard into elevated beds and grew tons of veggies. Got a few strange looks but nobody complained when we started sharing the harvest! Yet another benefit of owning chickens....lovely compost for my gardens! Plan to turn the rest of my front yard into orchard this year. Micro farming!
Well, I am really hoping. I am so very disappointed! HOW is it that if I walk three blocks in one direction or drive to the closest CITY that I could have as many birds as I want? Grrr...
My plan is to sweet talk the neighbours and offer to share eggs, lol! They should be used to strangeness from me already.
Sat year I turned most of my front yard into elevated beds and grew tons of veggies. Got a few strange looks but nobody complained when we started sharing the harvest! Yet another benefit of owning chickens....lovely compost for my gardens! Plan to turn the rest of my front yard into orchard this year. Micro farming!

Sounds like you have a good plan - and a neat place! good luck!
Fresh eggs are always welcomed by anyone we offer them to, so your neighbors should be okay w some hens at your home. If you don't keep a rooster there will be very little to no noise to bother anyone. Also, there are duck breeds that lay eggs like crazy and do all the great things chickens do, and they don't do some of the annoying things chickens do. Ducks are typically quiet compared to chickens so you could keep a drake for making ducklings if you like, they won't fly up on things that a chicken will, they typically do less damage to things when free ranging. Their eggs are DELICIOUS and many chefs prefer them for baking and for good reason. I believe the Khaki Cambell duck breed lays hundreds of eggs each year and are easily found for purchase all over the place.

Rabbits don't lay eggs but, they are cheap to raise, ultra quiet (neighbor won't know they're their unless they see them), don't make a big "stink" all while producing more meat per $ than chicken. Rabbits are a great option / alternative for people w pain in the butt neighbors. Their droppings are great fertilizer for your garden as well.

Good luck

Ontario and am looking for egg laying chickens which can take canadianwinters!

You can always search "cold hardy chicken breeds" there is probably a thread here somewhere. I believe that most of the dual purpose breeds do well in the cold weather as long as they have a well built coop that protects them. I believe if you avoid breeds with large combs, you should be OK. Although, I'm not speaking from experience, as I'm a newbie too....

but I figure if they can successfully keep chickens in Alaska, we can too!

Good luck in your search!
Thanks so much for the advice! I have never considered ducks! Today I spoke to me neighbours (who were all out shovelling) and they were all very supportive! Yay! One even said that he had been thinking about chickens himself bit thought we would think he was crazy, haha! So maybe my chicken plans can go forward!!! Ya!
tangochick, have you come across this breed chart? It might help you in your search!

Seems like the trend that I am noticing are Buff Orpintons, Wyandottes, Americaunas, ... to name a few. I have a friend and neighbour here in rural BC that has had great success with her Wyandottes - even laying through the winter.

Have fun searching it out!

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