Canadians check in here....

Also cold hardy breeds (small combs) are Easter Eggers and Wyandottes
Ontario and am looking for egg laying chickens which can take canadianwinters!

Thanks I am researching now!!!
Hi Tangochick
We live in Flamborough, near Hamilton and we have 4 Rhode Island Reds and 4 Barred Rock (from TSC at a day old). They all survived, and lay 6-8 every day even through this horrific winter. They have a draft free coop and we put a heat lamp on for the really cold nights but seem very hardy. The nightly dish of warm oatmeal and peas seems to help LOL
Chanteler is the only species fit for canadian winters.

I beg to differ; although Chantecler's are known for their cold hardiness, I can attest to the fact that keeping breeds such as BR's, BO's, BA's, RIR's, Black Star's and CR's to name a few have never caused me any problems during winter. The only issue I had was that one of my BA roosters had a mild case of frostbite on his comb... Other than that, these birds all thrived for me in winter, in an unheated, uninsulated coop.
I don't know where you would have heard that they aren't the best layers ... Everything I have read about them consistently says that they are very good layers, very cold-hardy, and usually lay through the winter. I have also spoken to quite a number of people who keep Chanteclers and they rave about their egg-laying. I haven't heard or read anything about how well they tolerate heat, but I imagine they would do alright in our summers as well, since they are a Canadian breed originating in Oka, Quebec.
Why are my chickens losing bum feathers? I have black Wyandotte, Rhode island reds and white Leghorns. They were fine until before Christmas. I have 11 in total. No signs of lice. I have used DE just in case.

Now the red ones are looking scruffy around their necks and backs!! I give them layer food and scratch along with greens from time to time. I don't know what's wrong. They are laying well.
Why are my chickens losing bum feathers? I have black Wyandotte, Rhode island reds and white Leghorns. They were fine until before Christmas. I have 11 in total. No signs of lice. I have used DE just in case.

Now the red ones are looking scruffy around their necks and backs!! I give them layer food and scratch along with greens from time to time. I don't know what's wrong. They are laying well.
Could be wrong but it sounds like you have some feather eaters. They do this sometimes out of boredom. What I do is put cabbage or head of lettuce in an onion bag and hang it so they have something to amuse themselves and to peck at? Sometimes they need the protein boost as well and I will either cook them some ground beef or feed them some canned cat food.

Hope this helps and maybe others have ideas to add.

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