Canadians check in here....

Ducks are typically quiet compared to chickens so you could keep a drake for making ducklings if you like, they won't fly up on things that a chicken will, they typically do less damage to things when free ranging.
While i am more a duck person than a chicken(mind you they are making gains lol) i disagree. ducks are more consistently loud than compared to chicken hen, roosters depends on the day lol especially if the ducks are mallard derived the ONLY exception would be Muscovy, which is what the majority share of my ducks are.

Ducks damage same as chickens just in a different way, they are excellent foragers but you have to be mindful of where they have access too, plus some ducks breed do fly and well... my calls and Muscovies for instance.

Not trying discourage ducks but for the sake of full disclosure there are caveats
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Why are my chickens losing bum feathers? I have black Wyandotte, Rhode island reds and white Leghorns. They were fine until before Christmas. I have 11 in total. No signs of lice. I have used DE just in case.

Now the red ones are looking scruffy around their necks and backs!! I give them layer food and scratch along with greens from time to time. I don't know what's wrong. They are laying well.
I am so glad you asked this Sharon Bee. Just noticed three of my RIR's were losing theirs too. Checked under wings and around vents. No lice or mites to be seen. Looked through bedding in nesting box and use DE every week over whole coop. I believe with the extremely cold weather and the lack of enthusiasm to go out of the coop they maybe getting plucked. I have started putting watermelon and cabbage inside the coop (used to hang it outside) and hope this clears it up. I like my chickens to have all their feathers.
I'm going to try the FF that others swear by. Then I'm going to remove one roost so they aren't right close below each other. I hope this doesn't throw them into a tizzy
Fermented feed. I was given a recipe on this board and it seems quite easy. Essentially you are just making a brew of their feed with warm water and ACV. When it starts to ferment, u feed them some every day. I don't have time today but am going to make a batch tomorrow. We shall see.
Ah yes, of course! I sometimes get lost in the acronyms!
I think giving fodder and fermented feed during the winter is a great idea! I will definitely try that as well - once I actually get chickens that need it!

Soon! My chooks arrive in May!

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