Canadians check in here....

Hey everyone! Long time no chat! Just wanted to pop in and say hi. I hope everyone is maintaining their good humor through this loooong winter and that your birds are well!

A reminder to those of you who are close to me (Brant Ontario)...the show is on the 22nd. Entries are due by the 7th. This is our last non-APA show....all future shows will be APA! If you want to enter just PM me! Also there is a sale at the Paris Fairgrounds on the 15th. Lots of ornamental and pheasants, but I am told lots of chickens and ducks as well.

The big news is that I am going to county council on the 10th to try and start the process of changing our bylaws. Wish me luck! I have lots of support so my fingers are crossed that it works out. Getting soooo jealous of all of you with fluffy-butted chicks to love!
Hey shesinthebarn

Well I will be glad when this winter is over, hardest winter since I have been keeping chickens for 20 years. Lost 5 birds in total due to the cold

I am not working the 22 and I am planning on attending the show. Where is in Paris, is it at the fairgrounds and what time please? Will not be showing but it's always nice to see the birds and have some social time with chicken folks. Will be nice to meet you, even though you live so close, lol. Still haven't met for a coffee.

Well good for you to get the ball rolling to get some changes done to the bylaws. Good Luck!!
Hey shesinthebarn

Well I will be glad when this winter is over, hardest winter since I have been keeping chickens for 20 years. Lost 5 birds in total due to the cold
as of 3 weeks ago it was the harshest winter in 25 years. anything we've had in the last 3 weeks and anything forthcoming makes it worse than we've had in 25 years in ontario.

bad winter ;[ sorry about your birds.

what kind of birds?
Bad Winter!!! Shoo!
I hope no-one looses any more of their flock due to the weather. :(

We finally got our first eggs ever this week from our one lonely EE hen! Found half a dozen eggs hiding, frozen,between the coop and the straw-filled dog cage we use for travel. So we made muffins. Very yummy carrot muffins.
I was very fortunate and the only chicken I lost was a rooster who started to be mean to our ducks. It was hard on the Hooligans,but I kept him inside for one night, and after hearing him crow they were happy to have him join the freezer brigade.

Can't wait for spring. Mud. Bugs. More mud. Chicks!!!
I haven't lost any because of the cold. How did you lose them? It's been wicked here for temps too..

I have frost bite on some that have stayed out all night, but besides that no deaths related to the cold.
I'm new to BYC and from SNOWY COLD ONTARIO!!!

Today was the first nice winter day since November I think :p Can't wait to get my new chicks in two weeks!!!
Hey everyone! Long time no chat! Just wanted to pop in and say hi. I hope everyone is maintaining their good humor through this loooong winter and that your birds are well!

A reminder to those of you who are close to me (Brant Ontario)...the show is on the 22nd. Entries are due by the 7th. This is our last non-APA show....all future shows will be APA! If you want to enter just PM me! Also there is a sale at the Paris Fairgrounds on the 15th. Lots of ornamental and pheasants, but I am told lots of chickens and ducks as well.

The big news is that I am going to county council on the 10th to try and start the process of changing our bylaws. Wish me luck! I have lots of support so my fingers are crossed that it works out. Getting soooo jealous of all of you with fluffy-butted chicks to love!
I'm in Norfolk County :) We're neighbours!
LOL they saw the newbie coming. That's great that you learned a lot. Did you happen to meet a young fellow by the name of Don? I know he is a member of that group and I know him quite well. Well if it's not my Saturday to work I may just come and will have to do a meet up!! Although you are so close we could meet at the Brown Dog anytime, LOL
OMG I LOVE the Brown Dog! I guess we're all neighbours!!! I'm in Boston :) (the one South of Paris)

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