Canadians check in here....

Ok, so if I had facebook, I'd say my relationship with my chickens is complicated.

True to my nature, I don't even have them yet and I'm festering and stressed out.

Chicken Coop construction is in process. Will be completed this long weekend. Or else....

Originally: May 19th I have 5 girls, Plymouth Rock arriving at 6 weeks old. Egg layers. This is all wonderful.
Then I got brave and decided to order dual purpose slow growth meat birds. (p.s. -->my chickens won't be 'pets' per say, they have a purpose for our family and some fries ends.)
So anyways, I ordered 10, 2 week old DP chickens with one rooster arriving June 16th.
THEN, I started to read about how mixing the 2 age groups can lead to bullying etc. And it's hard to mix them.

So then I had a thought, let's bring them all home on the same day so everyone is new. That will fix everything right? So I call into then harchery and ask if a change to delivery is possible.
I thought I'll put the smaller, 2 week olds in the coop and run first, then I'll add the 6 week olds and it will be just like Happy Days in the coop!!
I'm told no. It doesn't usually work out that way. Someone who has a huge flock - over 200 chickens.
So now, I am pulling my hair out. I get peckin order and it is expected, but I really thought because everyone will be new to the coop and all young that it would solve my issues.

ANY suggestions I would greatly appreciate. Especially if there has been experience mixing these age groups. 2 week olds and 6 week olds.

One more question: At what age can you feed kitchen scraps? Meal worms? Crickets?


Stressed Sandy
Yes, its Haldimand County, out on Lake Erie.

Hi Sandy. I am in the Haldimand County area too!

Mixing different aged chicks all depends on how much space you have for them to avoid eachother. With chicks that young you will need to provide heat for them and if you only have one warm spot they will fight over it. If you have two different heat sources, feeders, and waterers set up on different ends of the coop the smaller chicks will be able to avoid bullies. If the bullies are trying to claim both spots a small temporary wall with an opening only big enough for the smaller chicks to get through will give the little ones a safe place yo rest and eat.
I have found that a set up like this works better in the ling run because the chicks are still interacting right from the start.

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