Canadians check in here....

Sure feel free to email me any info, I am torn between raising them from chicks or buying pullets.....

I am thinking of building a room in the basement for raising the chicks over the winter for the first 6 weeks or so then gradually aclimate them to an insulated heated shed type coop outside.

The more reading I do the more ideas I get.
I've been reading this forum since last spring but only now have seen this topic so I thought I'd pop in and wave hi.

I live in Uxbridge ON, about an hour north of toronto. We have 19 acres, populated with 3 horses (a retired TB, a retired Lipizzaner cross, and a theoretically-in-work TB), various housecats and aquarium fish, 3 yr old and 4.5 month old sons, and a reasonably understanding husband.

I got three ready-to-lay red sex link pullets last spring, intending just to have a source of 'happier' eggs than you can get in stores, but have just really fallen in love with chickens. I had no idea they had so much intelligence and personality! Fresh eggs are good too of course

So next year we will be getting more chickens, probably some broilers and also some layers (Wyandottes, BO, chantecler, sussex, I dunno). I'll spend the winter figuring out where to put them

Hi to all,

Hi Pat, you got the chicken bug!!!!

I had laying hens a few years ago and then this summer decided I would like to get back into chickens. I bought some from a young man that loves raising chickens. he sent me seven laying hens, two roosters!!!!, a mama chick with 13 babies and I was off. I had one more raise eight, well that would be Chickee. And now have one setting on nine eggs. I just bought five hens and a rooster, Australorps. They are big and beautiful. I am going to pick up two Blue laced Jersey Giants next week. A pair. They are rare and hoping to get into breeding and selling them.
I would love to have some Chantecler some time, just because they are Canada's chicken.
Don't see to many from Canada on here. Maybe they all go to Canadian Egg Swappers 2.....
nice to meet you.
Hi Steve,
I'm from MB as well. Might be hard to get eggs at this time of year, though others might know of a source. There is a Manitoba poultry club called cluck and quack. If you join ( a few bucks ), they will e-mail you a directory. Also the club puts on a really good poultry/small animal sale in the spring. It is quite pricey, but you can get a nice pair of birds and let them raise a little family for you.
actually it does, Not a lot of info on it, but check out the classifieds if you are interested. You might find something you like, good luck!!
Anyone, in Ontario, know of breeders? I cant find ANYONE for the life of me. I want to get some Silkies next spring and i'm having the hardest time searching for chicken breeders in general. I've googled it and came up with nothing. :mad:

Any Ideas??
Hello Sarah, have you tried Canadian Egg Swappers 2 ???
You have to go to MSN groups and join. You can then post an add for what you want. Lots of people from down your way on there.
This is a great site for learning everything about chickens, I come on here just about every day and learn something new.
C E Swappers is mostly about selling and buying.

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