Canadians check in here....

Hello all,

New member here.

I'm in Victoria, B.C. - but will be relocating (not sure where - but staying in Canada) in about a year and a half. I'm currently chicken-free, but hoping to get some after the move.

Hi There, I just moved from Calgary onto 2+ acres near Medicine Hat a small friendly town called Irvine.
I just came across this thread today..
My 16yos and hubby decided to get chickens, we have 5 and a roo.
I've been internet shopping around for where to buy these beautiful chickens posted on this site!
Bet not too many people know about this site in Canada.
Nice to meet you all!
sister in law lives in langley, mother in law on salt spring island, 2 of my s.i.l. have cabins up by horsefly b. c. and one lives just outside williams lake b.c.
all my fam are in ont.
Hi Newbiecaroline,
I live not far from you just on the Saskatchewan side of Walsh. We raise all sorts of livestock and are currently hatching out some chicks. If you need more let me know. I have 37 that have just hatched. They are Red Rocks, RIR, and Red Sussex. I am doing some Ameraucana crosses next. Nice to know someone lives near me.
Well HI! JJSmith, this is awesome!
Very happy to meet you!
I fuel up my school bus in Walsh since Irvine doesn't have a gas your not far at am currently about to order some various breeds from McMurray hatchery in Iowa...I posted a thread on the subject "Chicks Immigrating to Canada"
Just got the green light today!
all i have to do now is figure out how to pick them up in Havre! they figure it would be a Monday they get delivered to Havre post office and I work so need to call in sick....just kidding.....calling in drunk works much better.......kidding! lol
Do you have pics of your babies? love to see them never seen fancy ones in real life!
Welcome to you all, my Canadian bretheren!!! Glad to see you here, and I hope you will enjoy yourself on the best forum there ever could hope to be!!

I am a hobby farmer and I am looking for a small incubator. Something that will hatch 30 to 40 chicken eggs. If anyone has one they wish to sell please let me know.


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