Canadians check in here....

There is a list a few posts down on my page
Plus I will also have Sumatras and Amazing Plump White Wyandottes!
Royal Palm Turkeys
Guinea keets of various colors
Not sure if I have those on my list but have to add those to list for this year!

Next year I will be adding (everything is from show line or quality breeders so growing to meet APA standards not Hatchery
Brabanters (really neat)
Moulted Houdans
Amazing True size(huge) Black and Blue Australorp (show line)
Blue / Black and amazing Splash silkies
Light Sussex
Wheaten Ameracuanas
Wheaten Marans
Blue and Splash Isbars( really neat)
Alstierers(really cool)
And Big Black Orpingtons
Plus still the list last year!

That's too cool!! I'm getting Altsteirers too! They are very neat Birds, and supposed to be quite hardy!

Hey people from Ontario
I have 2 mating pairs of Muscovies I am looking to rehome I have too many males! I will give them to a good home for free!

Hello!! Is your offer still standing? We're new to BYC but have had chickens for the past 4 years and wanting to venture into ducks! Thanks
Yes, I am very excited for them! They are stunning looking too! Who did you get your from!

I'm getting from Breezy Birds, and from Briarwood in BC. I want to see what kind of chickens they are from each of those lines!
And since I'm lucky enough to read German, I'm going to try to breed to the European standard. Try being the operative word...
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Hello, we're an hour west of Toronto and looking for pullets that haven't been debeaked. Alternatively, we're thinking of getting some chicks from Performance Poultry. let me know if anyone wants to arrange for a joint pick-up since they don't deliver within the province.
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Well over on the island here, we've got some more snow
It seems every weekend we get our stuff together to finish setting up the greenhouse and hoop house, it snows!

Where has our winter rains gone to...? I'm tired of this white stuff that keeps coming, and so are the chickens!

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