Canadians check in here....

I'm new to this chicken addiction and I am worried about the cold . It gets to -35c with the wind chill to -50 some nights and I don't want my layers frozen so how do you all keep your chix cozy? They have a nice insulated coop,no drafts, 2 large windows(bonus) the coop is 12'x15' approximately and I have access to hydro to the coop . Nobody seems concerned about the cold...I do realize they have feathers but -50c is a bit nippy out.What is the maximum cold a bird can handle? Any help would be appreciated .
I don't know how cold is too cold, --I didn't have chickens when I lived up north. But i have heard shovel the snow up the sides of the coop for extra insulation. It si the moisture in the air that is detrimental to chickens--causes frostbite, so make sure you have GREAT ventilation. I'm sure the birds can take it, --the ruffed and spruce grouse survive with no coop at all.

When all else fails, you could use a heat lamp. I usually plug on in when it gets below -20, which, where I am living now doesn't happen too often.
Thanks miss_thenorth at least it gives me something to go by,as for piling snow up the coop ,I have mother nature blowin the stuff up every where.Up the doors 5'.
no need for shovels here we are into heavy duty toys.Ventilation is well in hand too.again thanx

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