Candleing on day seven..what should i see?

You should candled down into the big end of the egg in a very dark room.......veining should be seen and the eye or embryo will be quite visible.....
The dark dot is your embryo swimming around with veining...all light eggs are usually clears but....mark th egg at day 7 with a ? mark and candle again at day 12 or 14 to make sure you are not throwing away a good egg...if it starts to smell funky or is seeping or weeping take it out of the bator for it is really a bad egg and needs to be gotten rid of before it explodes...
Thanks so much. I think I got it now. Not meaning to change the topic, but I figured it would save starting a new one, I have duck eggs that have been in the bator 4 weeks today, 2 are really light, and 2 are dark, but I cant make anything out, should i be able to see the duck, or will it just look dark? the shells are white so it is pretty easy to see into them, Im just not sure whether to throw them out.
I don't have a pic of my candler...its just a good small mag flashlight, I think from Lowes or Walmart... works very well for me with brown eggs...

I have never hatched out ducks so no clue on how they should look.....

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