Candling Day 6 incubation question


Feb 25, 2015
Saskatchewan Canada
Today is day 6! I started with 5 egs, two were infertile and one had a clear blood ring. I got rid of those three and am left with two. Both of them look to have lots of healthy vessels. But one has a dark "ring" about the size of a finger nail, and all the veins surround it. I'm wondering if this seems normal? They are brown eggs and I don't have a super good light. But it does seem to be a "ring". If I can manage to find a light that is not my phone I will try and get pictures.
From my experience the blood ring starts out light and gets darker over a few days. So if your unsure check again in a few days. Does it go all the way around the egg? But I would be more worried about only have 1 chick by itself. It will be chirping like crazy. You might want to consider buying a handful on day old chicks so it won't be alone. I had to do this once
If there is a blood ring around the chicks egg it is dead…
I don't see it so much today, I couldt help but to candle again. Still plenty of vessels. I couldn't see the embryo:/ but I could see the vessels moving despite me holding the egg still.
I don't throw anything till day 10. Unless you are used to looking at them it's just too easy to miss something. By day 10 there is no doubt about what is and isn't fertile and nothing will go rotten that quickly. I'd give them both till day 10 then look again.
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I don't throw anything till day 10. Unless you are used to looking at them it's just too easy to miss something. By day 10 there is no doubt about what is and isn't fertile and nothing will go rotten that quickly. I'd give them both till day 10 then look again.

X 2. I usually leave everything in until day 10 just to be sure.

All my chicks had blood ring and died

Sorry to hear that, hope you have better luck next time! Make sure you sterilize your incubator and only set clean, fresh eggs. Sometimes that can help.
Hi Everyone - I have a question - my cream legbar hen went broody, so I decided to put 5 eggs under from my hens that my rooster mates with fairly regularly (2 pastel blue from cream legbar, 2 pastel green from Easter egger, 1 brown from maran). This is my first time trying to hatch eggs. It's day 7 and I candled all the eggs. They each look the same - air sac at top, dark blob that moves as you turn the egg, no sign of blood vessels. I've compared these eggs to unincubated eggs from the same hens and they look totally different. In the unincubated eggs, they are mostly clear with a shadow of a yolk. The incubated eggs have very dark blobs. No sign of a blood ring. Mother is good - sits all day and night, gets up for a half hour every morning to eat and poop. Not an optimal time for hatching chicks, but it hasn't been unreasonably cold (30 to 50 degrees) and she's in a weather protected coop. I've read forums, looked at pictures, watched videos and haven't seen anything that looks like the blobs in these five eggs with no visible vessels. Thoughts????
By day 10 you should see veins, if you don't see any veins the eggs probley arnt fertile
Egg 3 looks like it has some veins
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