Candling First Baby Ducky Eggs!


Oct 4, 2021
Hi there!! Praise The Lord, we have set some baby ducky eggs for the first time! We set 6 eggs originally; 2 pretty white Pekin, and 4 Cayuga. The eggs were set on Valentine’s Day (Feb. 14th), so if I read correctly, that makes their hatch date Mar. 14th.
I have researched and tried to gather information on candling, and we (my Mom and I) went into it on a “wing” and a prayer!! From the candling research, we were able to determine that neither of the Pekin eggs were fertilized. That’s another story for another day... crazy ducks.
Those eggs were discarded today.
Anyways, the Cayuga duck eggs look to be progressing better, and Praise The Lord, there is one that we are really excited for!!! We can see the veins very well on it, and it looks like it’s moving (call me crazy, I don’t know if they move or not, but it sure looked like it did!) maybe we have good imaginations, but we both seen it do... something. The other 3 Cayuga eggs really look similar though, and we can’t tell much about them. They don’t look like the Pekin eggs, with just a yolk, but we couldn’t really see veins much either. There is one with this protrusion thingy, and we have no idea what it is (3rd and 4th pictures.) Can you see the bill through candling??? They are in what looks like three layers of color, from dark to lighter to almost white, a really light color. Is the really light one the air cell? We got some pictures, and Lord’s Willing, we hope a ducky friend on here might have some information!!! Thanks in advance, and y’all have a blessed day (night!) 😊😊😊


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@BelovedPoultry @fin-dachickmasta
Hi! Things got busy, I’m sure y’all know how it goes!! We took this picture yesterday... lockdown happened a Day later than it was supposed to have been! 😱 So lockdown day was Friday, we did it Saturday and are praying for the best! I only took a picture of this one egg, and only candled this one and the one with the best progression! The one with the most progression was INCREDIBLE!!! We have never seen anything like it, it was moving and had a very visible air cell, and I believe y’all call it “drawn down” where the air cell was slightly on the side!!! It was amazing! This one though just kind of appeared... odd. It looks much different. What do y’all think? Sorry it took so long to get the pictures!!

(This is with a different flashlight, I hope they are some what better!)

Praying that y’all have a blessed day!!!


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@BelovedPoultry @fin-dachickmasta
Hi! Things got busy, I’m sure y’all know how it goes!! We took this picture yesterday... lockdown happened a Day later than it was supposed to have been! 😱 So lockdown day was Friday, we did it Saturday and are praying for the best! I only took a picture of this one egg, and only candled this one and the one with the best progression! The one with the most progression was INCREDIBLE!!! We have never seen anything like it, it was moving and had a very visible air cell, and I believe y’all call it “drawn down” where the air cell was slightly on the side!!! It was amazing! This one though just kind of appeared... odd. It looks much different. What do y’all think? Sorry it took so long to get the pictures!!

(This is with a different flashlight, I hope they are some what better!)

Praying that y’all have a blessed day!!!
did you see any movement in this egg? Or veins?
What day is this egg on in the picture?
I'm afraid it looks like the embryo has passed away, but it can be hard to see veins on camera, some eggs do look a bit odd... I think I can almost see a couple little veins in the first picture, so you would have to judge whether the embryo has any movement, or whether there is any veins in person.
If this picture was just before lockdown, and you couldn't see any movement or veins, then I'm afraid it has gone-
I'm glad the other is doing well! It is amazing when the air cell draws down and they start shadowing the air cell! Just wait until you hear little chirps coming from the incubator! 😁
did you see any movement in this egg? Or veins?
What day is this egg on in the picture?
I'm afraid it looks like the embryo has passed away, but it can be hard to see veins on camera, some eggs do look a bit odd... I think I can almost see a couple little veins in the first picture, so you would have to judge whether the embryo has any movement, or whether there is any veins in person.
If this picture was just before lockdown, and you couldn't see any movement or veins, then I'm afraid it has gone-
I'm glad the other is doing well! It is amazing when the air cell draws down and they start shadowing the air cell! Just wait until you hear little chirps coming from the incubator! 😁
Oh no, I hate that... I believe you’re probably right though, we didn’t see any movement, and really I couldn’t make out any definite veins. 😔 But Praise The Lord, the little one is doing well!! That picture was taken on 3-12-22 and today, 3-14-22 is hatch day!! So I’m thinking maybe just our happy little one egg. And that’s okay! We have been staring at the incubator watching the egg, so if Lord’s Willing, there is chirping soon, we might lose it!!! :love:celebrate
The baby has pipped! We are watching closely, and trying not to go sneak her an energy drink to hop on into the world!! Come on baby ducky!! :):)
Thank you SO much for following along and helping us!!!
Oh no, I hate that... I believe you’re probably right though, we didn’t see any movement, and really I couldn’t make out any definite veins. 😔 But Praise The Lord, the little one is doing well!! That picture was taken on 3-12-22 and today, 3-14-22 is hatch day!! So I’m thinking maybe just our happy little one egg. And that’s okay! We have been staring at the incubator watching the egg, so if Lord’s Willing, there is chirping soon, we might lose it!!! :love:celebrate
The baby has pipped! We are watching closely, and trying not to go sneak her an energy drink to hop on into the world!! Come on baby ducky!! :):)
Thank you SO much for following along and helping us!!!
no worries! I always double check with eggs I fear have passed away, I leave a little longer, sometimes a day, depending on how clear it is and how sure I am it has quit- Then I candle again, looking for veins or movement- any veins and you know it is still alive as they break down quite quickly after the embryo passes away.
Anyway!! On a lighter note!! PIPPING! Yay, go duckling go! I remember that excitement!
I hope he hatches soon! :celebrate
Is it just this one egg left hatching? I have a few tips for keeping a lone duckling, as my Dougie was alone for 4 days before her sister hatched
no worries! I always double check with eggs I fear have passed away, I leave a little longer, sometimes a day, depending on how clear it is and how sure I am it has quit- Then I candle again, looking for veins or movement- any veins and you know it is still alive as they break down quite quickly after the embryo passes away.
Anyway!! On a lighter note!! PIPPING! Yay, go duckling go! I remember that excitement!
I hope he hatches soon! :celebrate
Is it just this one egg left hatching? I have a few tips for keeping a lone duckling, as my Dougie was alone for 4 days before her sister hatched
That’s us exactly!!! Leaving then in the hopes that there is something we are just not seeing! And I can’t even begin to say how much I appreciate your gentle language, that is how we tend to talk. “Pass away” is a much gentler term, even when talking about a baby duck! They are God’s creatures too!!!❤
And YES! We are beyond excited!!! He has his own cheering section!! 🎊
I would love any of your tips!! Lord’s Willing, he will have mates when he (or she!) grows up, but for now it is looking like it will be just him as a duckling... I don’t want him to be lonely at all! I appreciate any knowledge shared!!

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