CANDLING--- what am I seeing in my eggs??


9 Years
Dec 20, 2010
Los Angeles, CA
It is day 3 of incubating, and I dont know what I'm seeing...
There's a large orangey circle inside some eggs, and it kind of swishes from side to side... Its in the middle(if you put the egg on its side), but only on one side. For example, I have that particular egg (egg E) marked E on one side and e on the other. So, there's a circle showing one side E, but it's pretty clear on side e...
Does that make sense??? I think I'm confusing myself, so I can imagine what I'm doing to you...

If you know what I'm talking about, or have any experience (if your eggs looked the same), any help is appreciated!

Thanks so much

PS, from reading I think what I'm seeing is a "blood-island," but I'm not sure... (I'm new at this--obviously) thanks again!!
Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

Could be any number of things... leave the eggs in the incubator until at LEAST day 7, maybe day 10, before candling the first time and making decisions on what to do with them. 3 days is not long enough for much to happen unless the eggs were bad from the start.

I've never heard of a blood island... blood ring, though...

I never toss anything before lockdown, that how paranoid I am that I will throw away a bird. Wait, I toss blood rings sooner because they are fairly obvious to me.​
WAAAH!!! I was turning the eggs, and I dropped one!!! now its in the dump
I am heartbroken.
ANd before you think that I'm a big wimp, remember that i've never done this before, and this is REALLY big for me...
Wait-- isn't the blood ring a dark red ring all around the outside of the egg?? Cause its not like that. It...moves, and there's a darker dot in the middle...

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