

In the Brooder
10 Years
Oct 31, 2009
Hi I got some bantam x isabrown eggs of a friend and put them in my incubator thursday morning so they have been in their just over 3 days. I just candled them and all i can see are the yolks move when i tilt the eggs. Should I be able to see the yolks move or should i see some vains.????? The temp has been kept constant at 99 degree's. Could someone help?

thanks alot
I'd wait a few more days and candle again. 3 days is pretty early. I candle on the 10th day. 7th day at the earliest. I don't look for movement...just the veins.
At three days, you should be able to start seeing some veins form, depending on the egg color. Harder to see in brown eggs. I'd candle them at ten days to get a better idea of which eggs are fertile.

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