Canning and Home preserving

Not sure what that means. She just poured it in a jar and set it in the cupboard? Maybe it was boiling hot, so it sealed the lid.

Sorry, my fault for being vague. Yes, everything was boiling hot and it self-sealed. And she ate it fast (and we use to grab as many jars as she would allow), so it didn't sit on the shelf too long.
I use the BH&G cookbook recipe for bread and butter pickles, and love them.
Never have I made decent dill pickles though! I've tried the good old way, and modern recipies, and never had good, (or even edible sometimes!) results.

I love making B&B pickles. Same for me with dill pickles. Not happy with my results.
I do crabapple jelly, several types of jam (all low sugar with the pink boxes of sure gel pectin) and tomato sauce. I haven't pressure canned, since seeing my mom's pressure cooker blow once when I was very young. It was impressive, and it's not happening here!
Once you do home made jams and jellies, store bought is terrible.
Marmalade! It's the best, and different every batch, depending on what mix of lemons, oranges, and tangerines, and their varieties, go into the pot.
Otherwise, love the freezer!
I want to do Marmelade in the worst way. Orange is the only one I have tasted the only one that is in the store.

Finally found a great recipe which isnt so labor intensive. from the magazine called Saveur

Dundee style marmelade

from a blog called Delia online
Seville Maralade

I also want to make
Lime marmelade
Carrot marmelade
Tomato marmelade
but ONe near and dear to my heart will be
kumquat marmelade. I have seen it made in Japanese cooking videos but unfortunatley I dont speak Japanese.

I use the BH&G cookbook recipe for bread and butter pickles, and love them.
Never have I made decent dill pickles though! I've tried the good old way, and modern recipies, and never had good, (or even edible sometimes!) results.
I have made excellent hot dill pickles along with a hot sweet pickle recipe that I made up.
@perchie.girl Doing the meat sound's interesting too. How are we going to do it?
Look in the Ball Blue book for recipes There is also a canning book put out by the USDA called The Complete Guide to Home Canning. Its a free publication put out by the USDA downloadable PDF.

Here is a very useful link

Here is the full 2015 version in PDF
You can read on site but Downloading it is better.

Or you can buy it on Amazon for 18 dollars.

I need to put together all my links and research. I am a Research addict I do a lot of my research Through YouTube But when I see a recipe on YouTube I research it throu the USDA or Ball Canning books. there are more but I dont have them.

Ball canning books are available on line as well

Hi Deb!
I have canned tomatoes, green beans, carrots, potatoes, venison, chicken, beef, chicken bone broth, salmon and other things as well over the years. Looking forward to reading about your canning adventures!
I am curious about bone broth. Does some of the gell survive pressure canning? If it doesnt does the broth retain the healthful qualities...?


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