Canning and Home preserving

Afternoon everyone.

a pressure canning newbie learns to can Tuna

2leelou Creates Home canned tuna

This one doesnt have narration but it has some great ideas about seasoning fish that you can. She fills up the canner too full with water... but over look that. follow the directions that came with your pressure canner.

That looks SO good!
I am hoping to can some applesauce and cranberry juice this weekend.

Question for you all - I have some leftover Pizza Sauce from Wednesday that I made from store bought (canned) diced tomatoes and tomato paste. I would like to can it in 1/2 pints for the next time I make pizza. Do you think I can Boiling Water Bath this, or should I pull out the pressure canner?
I am hoping to can some applesauce and cranberry juice this weekend.

Question for you all - I have some leftover Pizza Sauce from Wednesday that I made from store bought (canned) diced tomatoes and tomato paste. I would like to can it in 1/2 pints for the next time I make pizza. Do you think I can Boiling Water Bath this, or should I pull out the pressure canner?
I would think the hot water bath should be fine. If you're not sure, add some lemon juice. That will add acidity to the sauce.
I am hoping to can some applesauce and cranberry juice this weekend.

Question for you all - I have some leftover Pizza Sauce from Wednesday that I made from store bought (canned) diced tomatoes and tomato paste. I would like to can it in 1/2 pints for the next time I make pizza. Do you think I can Boiling Water Bath this, or should I pull out the pressure canner?
I bet you could water bath it but put in some lemon juice in each jar just to be certain...


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