Canning and Home preserving

and no reason to start now! People who've grown up with metric find imperial really arcane, but everyone here whatever age recognises the pint as the unit for milk and beer! And although fuel has been sold in litres since the 70s, I don't think I know anyone who actually buys fuel in those units; we do it by money instead - £40 worth for example. But I've adapted to Celsius; 0 for freezing and 100 for boiling water is as easy as pie ;)
and no reason to start now! People who've grown up with metric find imperial really arcane, but everyone here whatever age recognises the pint as the unit for milk and beer! And although fuel has been sold in litres since the 70s, I don't think I know anyone who actually buys fuel in those units; we do it by money instead - £40 worth for example. But I've adapted to Celsius; 0 for freezing and 100 for boiling water is as easy as pie ;)
Its by the gallon here for gas. But same here with the idea of putting just 20 bucks worth. They never taught us the metric system in school. I'm sure they might teach both in other countries. My car is metric but I dont even think about it. I just grab the set that fits:idunno
I worked years in Technology Metric and US and English Standard.... But I had to convert .... Because I know US measurements in both Fractions and Decimal. But weights and measures are over my head.

I keep a handy calculator on my Desktop to make the conversions.

for what its worth Get a good kitchen scale in your arsinal... It will help with dry measurements because an ounce of dry Weighs different than an ounce in a measuring cup.

Unless you are certain your measuring cups are rated for liquid and or for Dry measuring...

I am still confused on that measure... no pun intended...LOL

Right now I am planning on getting wire shelving for my new pantry at the house. I have decided on four Wire shelving units... Each will be four feet wide eighteen inches deep and 64 inches tall. They will have casters as well. so I can use them as is for now before building the room.

Oh and I am designing for Handicapped access. I may be perminantly in this rolling walker. If I dont get my legs under me soon. So The source for the shelves is called .

They have Wire shelves that act like drawers. I am ordering two for each of the Wire Racks... This way I can pull the shelves out and rotate stock...

my original design had individual drawers per product... But I am flexible. a 48 inch drawer is outstanding. Later on i can get dividers... But one thing at a time.


Myidea will have a single fixed shelf on the bottom with large or bulky or heavy items on it. Then the next two will be for canning which will be on the drawer. The space on those will be for half pint jars.. So say six or eight inches I havent measured the jars right now. but I want to keep them in the boxes they came in.

The Shelves removed will be used to make additional racks if I need them in the kitchen. At this place I can easily buy posts to make a bakers rack or a couple of them to add counter space. Right Now that kitchen only has counter space on either side of the stove.

ONe side is about eighteen inches wide the other side is about 24 inches wide. Then at ninety degrees from that counter is the sink One side is right up against the stove counter and the other side is about 24 inches long as well.

Here is a photo of it just after my Room mate moved out.


Not a good picture for counter space but it pretty much shows the original kitchen out lines... I am puttin an island on the carpet before the linoleum Its about six feet long. There used to be a refrigerator where the floor is white. Previous owner painted the floor to look like Mexican tiles... What ever he used was good stuff because its not wearing off. the drawers next to the stove are the ONLY drawers in the kitchen. and they are falling apart.
The door shown is to the only bathroom. as well. and you go through the bathroom to the utility room where the water heater is. and to the outside door.

The wall above the cat carpet is twelve inches thick and divides the dining room and the kitchen. thats were I want to build the pantry. Which wont happen till I get the house wired for the 21st century. as far as Safety and Appliance necessity.

This house used to be a Mobile home. With Tin sides.

Me like nice room Deb
Hopefully it will be when I get done with it. Right now I cannot plan on anything to be perminant till I get the floor rehabbed. The Moibile home portion of this house has OSB as flooring... when it gets Wet... Not good.

During the Re wiring I hope to get the pantry built. Then it will be a straight shot from the kitchen to storage. In there I hope to have all my grocery stores... that dont need to be refrigerated. My new refrigerator will go in the space next to the old freezer. Those wire shelves will get moved for the new Freezer.. I also hope to board up that window But eventuallly that space will be occupied by the refigerator and freezer. By building a pop out space for them I can get them pushed out flush with the existing Cabinet. Adding more storage without compromizing the floor space.

That window looks out to the Art studio and it is broken meaning the glass is broken so it needs to come out no matter what. The art studio is where My bed is.

So needless to say I have a lot to do at the house once i move in.

The move is just the tip of a very big iceberg.

You'll git'er done, Deb! One step at a time! At least you can visualize what needs to be done and what you want to accomplish, and that's already a huge accomplishment! When faced with major issues like that (or sometimes even minor ones), I tend to get a kind of paralysis and just lock up. I can't even think what needs to be done, so I really admire your ability to think and plan! (It's my old friend, the bipolar thing; if I'm not manic-creative, I'm stuck. But thanks to the miracle of modern medicine and its attendant pharmaceuticals, at least I'm functioning these days, so, not complaining! ;))

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