Canning Turkey Soup


BYC Staff
Premium Feather Member
17 Years
Jan 11, 2007
NE Washington State
I made a pot of turkey soup and after one night we are DONE with turkey!

Do I need to add anything citric to it before I can it? And should it be heated to boiling before i pour it into jars? (It is much easier to handle cold)

If I put it in jars cold, how much extra time in the pressure canner should I let it go for. I know for hot it is 60 to 75 minutes at 10 pounds(I always do the longest time. I am a little paranoid about poisoning someone, even though in many years I never have).
I would pack it hot. I know it's a pain, but I've never had a problem with hot-packed soup going bad, not even the low-acid stuff like splitpea and chowder. There was, however, one pumpkin soup incident, which I cold-packed and opened a month later, and, well, let's just say that I was really, really sorry the garbage truck only came once a week. It smelled HORRIBLE. Like gym socks that had been worn for five years straight without washing.
It smelled HORRIBLE. Like gym socks that had been worn for five years straight without washing.


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