Cannot Integrate adult chickens- Help


In the Brooder
Sep 19, 2019
I have 4 girls that are 11 months old (buff orp, barred rocks)and we recently rescued 3 girls(Americaunas) that are 16 months old. They have lived side by side in 2 separate pens for 6 weeks. The last 2 weeks they have been free ranging together. Problem is that I have 1 Buff Orp and she will not stop harassing the new girls. Sitting on them and pecking and pulling out feathers, chasing them, keeping them away from food and water. Since she is the leader the other 3 girls are staring to do it too. I just built a beautiful new coop/run to house all girls but it turns into a chicken brawl within 1 minute of getting them all inside. What can I do??
Thank you, I forgot to mention that I did separate her for 2 days and she went right back to it.
Have separate feeders and waterers, in different locations, so there's no competition over these resources.
Your nasty pullet should be isolated out of sight from the flock for at least ten days or so, and if that fails, or better yet, during that time, order some pinless peepers for her.
You may have to rehome her if nothing else works for your flock, and do so with full disclosure. In a new flock she would have to work her way back up the social order.

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