Can't afford to donate money this year, so I improvised!

I used to donate to "Lock of Love" also but after the kids were born I been keeping my hair at about shoulder length. I guess I could start doing it again, it did feel good everytime I did it! Im thinking of starting the girls on this as well. Had to cut DD1's hair short due to a bad scalp issue but now that it's all healed, sshe can start growing her hair out. DD2 hasn't had a hair cut yet and she will not!

Good plan for me and the girls!

Maybe include DS in this too.
Thamks, Sam
- but perhaps we could donate to you as well?

I still have extra hair, anyone got glue?

McCord6, my mom always kept me in long hair- it was a nightmare for us both. Finally, about 4th grade, she decided to cut it herself.
Looked like she had put a bowl over my head to cut around, but that was one happy summer for me!
I always want to hide those pictures when they come up!
My mom didn't care rather I had long hair or short hair, it was my dad that was STRICT on the issue. Before we moved to Washington State from California, I was not allowed to have my hair cut other then trimmed, which only one person was allowed to do that which was my dad's friend. My dad has LONG hair himself, harley hell-angel he is.
After we moved to Washington, after the divorce, I was about 8 years old also, my mom let me choose rather to keep my hair long or cut it. I choose to cut it. That was my first time donating my hair for cancer patients. I did it 2x a year (yes my hair grew FAST!) until I was 14 years old then started doing it only 1x a year. Last time I donated was in 2003. Got preg with DS in 2004 and that was the last time I had my hair long.

Hubby is mising my long hair, begging me to grow it back.
And as soon as he starts taking care of it for you, do it, if YOU want!

Every time I asked DH which I should do, he just looked at me and said "It's your hair, do what you want." Today, I handed him the shears, said please help me cut it- and all he said was okay. No debate. MY hair, not his.
Oh hooray!!!

I think you commented when I did this back in October! Doesn't it feel good to do something!? Everyone wanted money and was trying to SELL me stuff and they would donate a portion, or I would what I could... but didn't think I could do anything. Taking care of our hair for years, not bleaching not dying.... its a VERY heart felt donation if ever there was one!


Mine is still super short, but when you said light headed, I was thinking... "Yeah, it really does take a load off those shoulders. Most mom's need that!"

Good stuff, Sally!! Glad you finally took the plunge.

I've only had hair long enough for L.O.Love once, but didn't think to cut it with them in mind. darn! Now I keep it pretty short. Plus, I doubt they would want all my gray.

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