cant believe i fell for it..

yeah i like the part about staying away from stinkydonkeys

there HAS to be goat clothing for sale somewhere. its just not right! i guess ill have to make my own.
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It was an amish farmer down the road. I apologize to any Amish farmers who may read this....(Yeah with their computers and internet! lol) But the Amish around the Kalona area are pretty famous for not treating their livestock well. People have been killed when their starved out horses and cattle break fences and run onto the road looking for grass. It is NOT unusual to see 150 + goats in a mud lot that should only hold 10.

Even though we intend on eventually eating them, it does NOT condone poor treatment of them. We have a reverence for our food animals and make sure that their lives are comfortable, enjoyable, and humane. The same hold true for slaughter time. The death is as painless and quick as possible.

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